I am just starting a new post whence I am attempting to write a game a week for the next year. You can find my very basic blog
here. For my first week I have nicked a load of code from
Emanuele Feronato's blog. E has been writing this blog for 3 years and has just got into the top 40,000 websites in the world. That might not seem like much, but if you consider there are 7,003,343,3223,223,222,113 websites in the world I reckon that is a pretty good achievement.
So to help get E a couple more hits, this is SamePhysics, a difficult tetris-ish style game in which you attempt to get rid of connecting blocks of the same colour. If you get into trouble then you use the Shake-o-meter (patent-thingied (c) - Liveo). Give it a try.