Remember the Flying Pickets? No. They were a bunch of dudes that made music by making noises with their noises. These here horses sound quite a bit like them and they are interactive! It's amazing how easy it is to get them sounding good.
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Human Beatbox Toy - Make some rhythm, baby!
Want to be a human box, but are to untalented. If this is you then check out noises4, another one of Zefrank's funky toys. There's a selection of beats to choose from and then lots of different beatbox noises to make, simply by clicking. Just button pressing skills are needed. Warning - Can irritate people close by, scare babies and make cats jump.
Mad Photo Toy - Change your face!
Hairmixer is a bit of a strange one. It lets you shift your face onto someone (or something) else's head. Here is me as a damned big monkey....Fun for all....
iSketch - Kool Pictionary Toy Online
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Jim Morrison Sumulatron - Waste a Few Minutes of your Worthless Life
A simple, fun toy that will excite and thrill...for a couple of minuted at least. Click the letters to get Jim to sing and dance.
I Love Traffic - A cool traffic light simulator
I Love Traffic is another dead simple idea. You have to control traffic by turning on and off traffic lights to control the flow of cars and trucks. There are some cool smashes when you mess up. I think I must have killed a hundred little computer people. I will leave it up to you more skilled people ....
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
PhotoFunia - A Sick Photo Manipulation Site
I love this toy. If you have a photo of yourself on your harddrive, check this out. You upload your photo to one of tons of effects and, well look at these groovy images of my good self....
The Boohbah Zone - The Freaky Musical World of Craziness Toy
Boohbah is a strange place. It is a world peopled by some colourful fellows who look like they could be related to the Teletubbies. In this crazy place you get to play a number of interesting games and musical instruments. I won't spoil it for you, so give it a try...
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Light Synthesiser - Yeah man!
This lovely little toy produces some gorgeous interactive graphics along with a chilled out ambient soundtrack. Relax for a while......
Cursor Invisible Toy - Smash plates with the Force
Cursor Invisible is well worth a few of your precious minutes. It is a game in which your have to smash plates by clicking on them. Simple, huh. Well, the problem is, as you have probably already guessed, that your cursor cannot be seen.
Auditorium - A chilled out music toy
Twistori - Find out what people love, hate, think believe, feel and wish
Twistori is a cool idea and it's a place you can while away some time. The site collects together twitters that feature the phrases 'I love', 'I hate' etc and displays them in an endless flow. Very compelling stuff..
Monday, 13 April 2009
Double Wires - Fun Spiderman toy
Check out this little toy. It's a basic Spiderman simulator. You have to keep your little fellow flying through the air for as long as possible by firing off webs, spidey style. It looks simple and it is simple, but that is part of it's charm...
Ultimate Flash Face - Funky online face art
Powder - Like the Sand game but more complex and more fun!!
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Cubicle Freakout - Relieve some stress with violence - Yeah!
Cubicle Freakout is a handy little toy to use when your boss or spouse is getting on your nerves. Simple - smash things up!!!
Incredibots - Create massively complex online robot toy.
Now, I have spent hours messing with this toy. The more you mess, the more complex it gets. Start off by doing one of the 8 levels listed at the top right. They get you into building the robots and show you the many possibilties available. Once you have completed those, try a few of those listed below. Finally, when you are confident enough, try Sandbox mode and create your own superbot and save it online for others to mess with. Finally, try loading some of the many creations that people have left. There are some amazing creations.
Build your own bot online - Very funky toy
Use this very hi-tek tool to create your own robot. I created this one. His name is Deathbot. Cool name hmmm. See if you can make an even better one...
Flow - Beautiful and addictive microbe toy
Acrobots - The crazy acrobatic three legged waste of time things
More fun from the boys and girls at Vectorpark. This little toy allows you to create your own acrobatic act from your own bedroom. Controls allow you to add more creatures, change from monochrome to super multi-colour and alter bounciness. What more could a young person like yourself want.....
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