Saturday, 11 April 2009

Beautiful Surreal Singing Toy

Now I can't tell you too much about this toy, except that it is gorgeous and quite a bit of fun. The problem is that it is all in spanish (I think). I am assuming that it has been created to promote the singer that sings along as you play. She is a very lovely singer at that.

The toy itself is like a mad flow of paint, scrolling on and on with lovely images bursting from your paint at regular intervals. It's another one that is too hard to describe. Give it a try....

Find it here.

10 Fun Twitter Toys

This is my collection of 10 fun toys to expand your Twitter experience.

1. TWord_Chains

Play word chains with tweets. Never-ending games where you morph new words out of old words. Keep each chain going as long as possible.

2. Tweet Quiz

Challenges you with simple categorical questions for which multiple answers exist. You need to find as many answers that will match the predetermined, hidden answers each with a point value.
3. TwitterLit

It's a site that serves up literary teasers twice daily. At 9:00 AM and 9:00PM Eastern Time I post the first line of a book, without the author's name or book title, but with a link to Amazon so readers can see what book the line is from.

4. PanicBot

This is a very funny bot that tweets at random intervals - OH JESUS ****! THE TIME SUDDENLY CHANGED ON MY TANDY! or OMFG! FACEBOOK AND THE TWITTERS ARE HAVING PROBLEMS!**** !

5. TwtBox

A video Dukebox playing tracks from Twitter user requests.

6. Twoilet

Listings of funny, toilet humour inspired twitters.

7. TweetBomb

Clever idea. Every day you will be sent the username of someone to Tweetbomb. When you receive the name, you sent them a blank tweet. Must drive people bonkers.

8. TweetTest

6 clever little games that use data from your Twitter account.

9. JTorrance

The caretaker of The Shining fame. Funny - "Aspiring playwright and recovering alcoholic. Currently winter caretaker at the Overlook Hotel."

10. Forecast

Send Forecast your zip/post code and it will Twitter you regular weatcher forecasts.

Have Fun!

Pearl Jam 3D Puzzle - Listen to 10 and play a game

This little puzzle from the lovely Pearl Jam can be found here. Listen to their Ten Special Edition whilst playing a well designed jigsaw thing-a-me.

The puzzle

The Music

Triangle Mystery - Infuriating, beautiful online puzzle

The Triangle Mystery is a gorgeous online puzzle. I won't spoil it for you. Give it a try....

The strange puzzle thing

Friday, 10 April 2009

NY robot: A story about how sweet people can be....

I know I am supposed to be writing about Internet toys and I know I deviated from that with Ian' Shoelace Site, but I just want to do it one more time. Read this. You will love it. It is all about how tough New Yorkers help out a poor little robot...

Beep Beep

Hello my little friend

Drawball - A crazy collaborative interactive drawing toy

This here is a weird doodad. It's a massive online image that anybody can draw on. You choose a part of the image and then zoom in until you get a lovely clean bit. Use the drawing tools that appear at the bottom right and add your wonderful work......

The ball

My humble addition.

neave - A very cool set of web tomfoolery and gadgetry

Mr. Neave has put together a very well designed set of toys that are a joy to play with. There is a cool light synth, a funky planetarium, one of those weird eyeball tricks that makes your vision go wonky, a couple of microphone gadgets and a whole lot more. Take a look NOW!!!

Yeah man!!!

Look at the stars...

Blow the lovely dandelion.

Tone Matrix - An Experiment in Lovely Sound

This is a nice idea from the brain of Andre Michelle, an interactive toy hero. It consists of a grid which you cells. Each horizontal row produces a different noise and the sounds play repeatedly like a sequencer. You can produce surprisingly nice music.

Tone Grid

New Toy: Twitter Magnet Poetry - Desire Dank Insolent Girl -

The TwitterMagnets site is a lovely little idea. It allows you to create a poem using pretend fidge magnet words and then Twitter it. What do you think of my beautiful creation:

I call it Torment :-)


Virtual Bubblewrap - Nuff Said

Virtual Bubblewrap - pop away and try the manic mode.


Save the stuffed rabbit - Interactive surgery toy

In this interesting and slightly surreal toy, you get to see what it's like to become a real-life surgeon. A rabbit has a heart attack before your very eyes and you are given the task of cutting the thing open to save it's life. Unfortunately I keep killing it by slicing in the wrong place.


Tools of the trade

Mad Interactive Toys from Those Nice People in France

AlphaBazar. At this lovely website you will find a host of strange and weird toys to play with. Those folk over in France always seem to come up with Bizarre things, don't they....

Trip the Light Fandango

A flower and some dots
24 hour party people

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Crazy Dancing Weirdos Toy

This is a very cool site. Brought to you by the grate designers of cheap Swedish furniture, Ikea. There are a number of interesting dancers who move along to music (as dancers do). You have a number of options to choose from. You can select some very nice tracks from their small collection, upload your own MP3s or make your own music either using the groovy keyboard synth or your own computer mic.

Wrestler's dancing to The Pixies - River Euphrates

Some blokes in their boxers dancing to my funky synth beats - Yeah

Find it here.

Cool Scalextric Type Toy

Another site that takes me back to my childhood. I never had Scalextrics. I had something called Race'n'Chase. I thought it was cooler because it had a ramp. Anyway, try it here.

Take it easy around the corners

Watch out for this bit - it's a bugger

Ian's Shoelace Site - Tips and advice from the world of schoelacery

This blog is supposed to be about interactive gismos on the web, but I have just come across a site that I feel I must share with the world. Ian's Shoelace Site is probably the world's ultimate resource on shoelaces. It provides an amazingly indepth look into this underground world. Some of the site's featues include:

Shoelace Length Data - with useful calculator and formula page

Tips and Advice on Slippage

And of Course, Advice on How to Lace

I have been so impressed with this site that I have decided to include it as the first link in my link list. Thanks Ian. here.

LiteBrite online fun and frolicks.

For those of you who don't know LiteBrite, it's a toy with which tou add coloured blob things to a board to make pictures. With this amazing online app, you can then save the results and show them to your friends and family. I don't have any friends or family so I will show you my effort (it's a punk rocker).


See it here.

Mice on Drugs - The terrible experiment toy

In this labratory the scientists have drugged up a group of mice They have then allowed us, the public, to perform experiments on them. Fun if a bit technical....

The poor drugged up mice

A mouse brain

Find it here.

Falling Sand Game - Still fun after all those years

Balls - Lot's of them all over the place.

Yes - Balls - bouncing - off lines. Groovy!


Funky Online Kaleidoscope toy. Trip Out!

This is a lovely little machine to mess around with for a while. It has lots on controls to mess around with, but it's pretty simple stuff. Just click on a tool, choose your colour and draw something. The more you draw the crazier the kaleidoscope become.

Find it here.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

The Coolest Set of Interactive Flash Toys I have seen yet!!!

You really need to check these toys out. There are tons of them. They will keep you entertained for ages. There is a cloud moving machine, a car that drives, a funky aero diplay team....the list goes on. Seriously, give them a try:

The wonderous car with lines....

The magnificent fag that burns (cigarette for our US friends) and..

...the stupendous cloud that moves thing.

Check all of ertdfgcvb's (that's his/her real name) groovy toys here.

Freaky and Fun Interactive Flash Toys

At Vectorpark you'll find a load of well designed interactive Flash toys to play with. They include Feed the Head, egg and levers. Not that you will be any closer. Looks like you'll have to try them yourself....


feed the head

Here they are.