Saturday, 11 April 2009

10 Fun Twitter Toys

This is my collection of 10 fun toys to expand your Twitter experience.

1. TWord_Chains

Play word chains with tweets. Never-ending games where you morph new words out of old words. Keep each chain going as long as possible.

2. Tweet Quiz

Challenges you with simple categorical questions for which multiple answers exist. You need to find as many answers that will match the predetermined, hidden answers each with a point value.
3. TwitterLit

It's a site that serves up literary teasers twice daily. At 9:00 AM and 9:00PM Eastern Time I post the first line of a book, without the author's name or book title, but with a link to Amazon so readers can see what book the line is from.

4. PanicBot

This is a very funny bot that tweets at random intervals - OH JESUS ****! THE TIME SUDDENLY CHANGED ON MY TANDY! or OMFG! FACEBOOK AND THE TWITTERS ARE HAVING PROBLEMS!**** !

5. TwtBox

A video Dukebox playing tracks from Twitter user requests.

6. Twoilet

Listings of funny, toilet humour inspired twitters.

7. TweetBomb

Clever idea. Every day you will be sent the username of someone to Tweetbomb. When you receive the name, you sent them a blank tweet. Must drive people bonkers.

8. TweetTest

6 clever little games that use data from your Twitter account.

9. JTorrance

The caretaker of The Shining fame. Funny - "Aspiring playwright and recovering alcoholic. Currently winter caretaker at the Overlook Hotel."

10. Forecast

Send Forecast your zip/post code and it will Twitter you regular weatcher forecasts.

Have Fun!

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